Minggu, 20 November 2011



Almost a year, to be exact, 11 months, more or less, ago, i told "someone" that the date above is a "pretty date"..Well right now i wish it is, in fact, a pretty "date".

It's his 21st birthday today n since i havent been having a "life" for these past weeks i really couldnt make a time to plan for a birthday surprise... I hate myself for that...Actually i did have a plan, but couldnt make it in time because yesterday afternoon, it rained hard n i was so jaded that i cannot lift my body off the bed.

And i thought of going out with him somewhere but when i look down beneath my PC table i see rolls of campus projects awaiting for me to touch it. Oh great, dillema, dillema.

What would you do if you were in my shoes?? Would you choose to go out on this fine sunny Sunday or stay in your room finishing, your project, catching up on your lack-of-spending-time project because you were doing other project at the same time?

I tried to to think of other things i can do, but the only ability i could think of was to write about it. Maybe its unimportant to you, maybe you wouldnt even read it at all. I am out of words but i really hope you understand my position and have a blasting birthday. Happy Birthday mon Soleil. Always try to be the best of yourself.

Senin, 14 November 2011

One of my Writings

Art, Culture and Nation’s Character
by Citra Sandy Anastasia (101 1718 023)
                                                  PSDI – FSR, ISI Yk.

Nation’s character is a nation’s personality that distinguishes one country to another. As an analogy, characteristic of a personal computer, it has a monitor and CPU tower, if it doesn’t have those things, it cannot be called a personal computer. Or a microwave oven, it has to give out waves that create heat, if it doesn’t create heat then it isn’t a microwave oven. So without those quality or characteristic, those things don’t work and worthless. Just like a country, what is a country without a character? Our Nation’s character is Pancasila which was born from the Founding Father who had one vision, one understanding to build this Nation. Pancasila made us different from every other country in this world. Art, culture and characteristic of a nation has very strong link because it gives extra points when it comes to other nations’ appreciation. By the heterogeneous of this country, it made us different from any other country in this world. Our country has countless of different culture. But if we don’t conserve and take the advantage of it, it would be such a great loss. And who knows what this country would become. It would be like a personal computer without a speaker for the sound system, it works, but with no sound to give special effects.

     What is art? If you think deeper over that question, you’ll find that our life is filled with art; the art to socialize, the art to cook, the art to write a literature, the art to say something so that it’s more understandable or interesting to other people, the art to negotiate, even to defend yourself you need to learn the martial art. In another word art is like a technique of doing something.
     Look around you, what do you see? See how the builders built the house you live in now, the place where you peacefully stay, protected against the heat of the sun and the cold of the wind? Is it just a stack of bricks piled together? It is not just that, is it? They’ve learned the technique to build it. They’ve mastered the art of piling bricks together, sticking them together with cement and painted it with such beautiful colors. Do you think a doctor or an ambassador can do it as good as them.

     To be a good citizen, we have to know how to build our nation’s character, just like how the builder built our house. There are so many aspects that can help us build this nation’s character, for example through education and technology. But in this article I would like to talk about how art can be used to build this Nation.
     The question is, “how can art, cultural art in this matter, have the contributive function towards building the nation’s character itself? We are all aware that a great nation is a combination of greatly educated people, high technology and honest legislation, and cultural art doesn’t seem to fit in any of this category.

     Little did we know, art does have a vast impact on how other nations see our beloved country and I will elaborate it in this short article entitled “Art, Culture and Nation’s Character”

Issue: Art’s Contribution to Building the Nation’s Character
      As I’ve mentioned before, in my opinion, art is like a technique mastered to do things in life. And according to Wikipedia.com, art is the product or the process of deliberately arranging symbolic elements in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions and intellect. It is a way of expressing emotions through music, literature, fine art and performance art. Art is an aesthetical thing; beautiful and made to enjoy. For example a painting or a traditional dance, they are just as attractive as magnet. Most people would link art with culture. Culture itself comes from a habit that a lot of people do that has been done for ages, rooted and grew into a civilization. Culture comes from the word “to cultivate” which means to develop or to grow. So in another word, a cultured country is a developed and grown civilization.

     Indonesia is our country who got its freedom on 17th August 1945. Then the next day after that, the written constitution, Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 (Fundamental Constitutions 1945) was assigned. In the Opening of that constitution was where our principle, Pancasila, stated. Pancasila comes from the Sansekerta language. It literally means “the five seats” or can be analogized as “the five pillars of this Nation”.

     In each pillar, Pancasila has values that are ascribed as the soul, the personality and the vision of Indonesia since it is the pact of crystallized values of the determination of our ancestors to unite this Nation despite the differences which can be found in it. Pancasila is also the basic ideology and philosophy of this beloved country that does not only control the law but also the morality of its people. In this article I want to focus on the third pillar. Our country has lots of different culture, multi-races, languages and thousand of islands. That is why in the third pillar of Pancasila, it says, “Persatuan Indonesia” (Unity of Indonesia).

     A great person is a person who is a well educated, uniquely cultured and has strong character or personality, and so is a great country. The ones who see the greatness of a nation is the other country. I’ve met different people from various countries and when I asked them what they think of Indonesia they’d say “Indonesia is a great country enriched with lots of diverse culture,” “Indonesia has uncountable places to visit, sightsee and experience.” But there was one time when I met two Dutches at Tamansari, Yogyakarta and they said, “We love Indonesia. It’s so green but it’s a shame that they don’t appreciate the historic value of their heritage by gratifying on the walls and writing unnecessary things in inappropriate places,” and I couldn’t agree more with what they’d said. Is it really our culture to destroy our heritages? I hope not.

     The third pillar reflects our supposedly character: “a Nation who loves the country”. We should love the differences in this country. We should love everything about it. We should make those tourists say, “Indonesia is not only a great country but it has great people who adores and appreciate everything it has.” We should make a concept that our country is a country with character of dynamic heterogeneous culture to obtain our purpose to become a developed civilization.

     There are lots of examples of artistic culture we have in this country, for example, in music we have keroncong, dangdut, campur sari etc; in literature we have legends like Malin Kundang, Roro Jonggrang, Tangkuban Parahu etc; in fine arts and crafts we have Kamasan paintings, Batik, Songket, etc; in performance art we have Lenong, Ketoprak, Kecak Dance, Wayang Golek and a lot more to list that it will make this article not a short article anymore but a huge-numbered of pages book. These things characterized us. These things build our image to other nations.

     Remember how Reog Ponorogo was taken by our neighboring country? We got really furious but whatever we did couldn’t undo what happened in the past. Maybe it was our fault in the first place. Our mistake, whether we realized it or not, was ignoring and overlooked at our culture because before it happened we thought anyone couldn’t take over it. We should be proud of all the differences that we have, all the artistic culture that couldn’t be found elsewhere in this world. Don’t let it be claimed by other irresponsible nations who are attracted to take over our country’s culture. We should document what we own. Write books about it or post writing on the blog or other internet websites about it to make a notice to the world, it is ours (with capital letters, bold and italic) and it is part of us.

     We can also start by little things like how Japanese youngsters have what they call “cosplay” or costume player. It has slowly rooted to their modern culture and known by people from all over the world. I used to have a similar thing when I was in the kindergarten. I wore the traditional clothing of the Northen Sumatra, Ulos, on the Kartini’s Day. In fact we should do it more often by holding events to compete the beauty, design and innovation of traditional clothes.

     It’s hard but easy and easy but hard at the same time to use art and our culture to build nation’s character because there would be constraints such as negativity in belief of the society, the lack of interest of the people to have a contribution because of their economic situation and also the fading of our culture because people tend to be more appealed to other Nations’ cultures. But we have to be optimistic and begin first from ourselves, family, friends and then environment, be creative on playing our role as a civilian. Hopefully it will carry on until everyone in this country characterized our Nation in the best way possible.

      Art is like a technique or skill that creates a product and is also a process that influences and affects the senses, emotions or intellect by expressing it through media such as music, literature, fine art and performance art.

    Our Nation’s character can be defined perfectly by our Principle, Pancasila. And to be a strong characterized Nation, we have to reflect back and start using the value of Pancasila as a Standard. The unity of our country is an important basic of character. Even we have heterogeneous culture we should be creative to face the diversity.

    Art can trigger the culture to cultivate the Nation’s character back to its originality and make us realize that we should love our country and be proud of its differences that makes us unique compared to other country.

     Art and culture have very strong link to the Nation’s character. It builds the image of the country. Indonesia can be known by the world where the Wayang Golek, Lenong, Kamasan paintings, keroncong and lots more come from.

     To have a characterized Nation, we should start from ourselves doing little things like write about our artistic culture and post it on a blog. Then lead other people close to us to do similar things and influence people to love and be proud of our art and culture.

Senin, 07 November 2011

A Little Scribble about Life

If tomatoes wanted to be melons,
they would look completely ridiculous.

I am always amazed
that so many people are concerned
with wanting to be what they are not;
what’s the point of making yourself look ridiculous?

You don’t always have to pretend to be strong,
there’s no need to prove all the time that everything is going well,
you shouldn’t be concerned about what other people are thinking,
cry if you need to,

it’s good to cry out all your tears
(because only then will you be able to smile again).

-Paulo Coelho-

Something that reminds me, just be yourself, don't try to be something that you are not. Doesn't seem like you, doesn't look like you.

A tomato has its own greatness, its own goodness that a melon might not have. When you take a walk amongst the plantation in a garden, you'll see that it's green all around you, but a ripening tomato would stand out, would be a focal point, because of the difference in the color. A ripening tomato would contrast in the midst of the garden.

Maybe all the other fruits or vegetables would be jealous of the tomato. They would whisper in envy because tomato looked so juicy that it would chill someones mind just by looking at it.

But if you are not a contrasting tomato, don't be low minded. A watermelon, even though it looked green outside and it would not stand out amongst the greenness of the garden, it has its own greatness after you cut it open. The juiciness of the red watermelon meat can make your mouth water and would want more of eating it in the summer.

So don't judge a fruit by its appearance.

A potato that grows under the ground, almost all its life until someone dug the earth and took it out, might look ugly. But imagine after you boil it and peel its skin, eat it in the coldness of wintery night, still steaming hot. You wouldn't even remember where it came from before you cook it.

How ever low minded you are about yourself, you still have the greatness in you that you would not know until you or someone help you dig it out and peel off what weakness you think you have.

Just a simple thought in the afternoon. That will remind me someday when I am low and having a self-confidence crisis. Or maybe it will also remind you, to be yourself and bring the best of yourself.

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

A Lifetime Reminder

My 17th birthday, 24th August 2008, held such a great lesson in my life. Then I learnt about friendship, sharing, family, reaching my goals, dreams and most important, how to live lively.
I didn't have a massive birthday party or anything. Instead I took my family and friends to pay a visit to an orphanage, something i dreamt of since i was in kindergarten. Something a regular seventeen-year-old wouldn't want to do.

Before we all celebrate my birthday there, though, all of my closest dearest friends gathered at Aida's house. They gave me such a reckless surprise. They threw eggs and flour at me and also showered me with a huge bucket of water. In addition, Ichwan just simply poured detergent, which was supposed to be used to clean my outfit from egg yolk, over my head. And hell, it burns!
"I know you hate this kind of surprise," Aida told me. "That's why we did this to you."
I will never forget that, Ai. Haha.

Later that day, we all went to the orphanage together. It was such an unexplainable feeling, seeing those parent-less children sitting on a dried-plant type of carpet laid on the dirt, staring at me with inquisitive eyes. They looked so adorable. Oh how i wish i can help them more than i was about to.
All I could do at that time was donate a stack of old books, dozens of usable clothing and a small amount of money which was equal to nothing compared to what they gave me.

In return, all of them wished me a happy birthday and pray together for my success in life. God, I felt so helpless. It was the best birthday celebration ever! Although my dad couldn't make it because he was already back to work abroad but my mom was there still. I couldn't hold my tears so I let them slipped as my mom gave us all a speech about me and wished me a happy birthday. I was really touched. I realized how she loves me unconditionally and how I was sometimes such an unobedient child to her. It was my first time crying in public, in front of so many eyes and i was neither ashamed nor embarrased from it. The tears felt so warm, unlike any other useless tears i cried earlier that year from my recent break-up. I sobbed as I gave my speech of gratitude. The more I sobbed, the more i became speechless.

Thank you, God, for giving me such a great family, a bunch of loyal friends and precious lessons in my gracious life.

Kamis, 03 November 2011

Asahi no Hikari by IchionRoku... The first song I composed

Saat kau pergi meninggalkan diriku
Kutahu kau pun telah melupakan diriku
Walau dalam hatiku ingin
Mengulang kembali kisah cinta yang telah kita jalani

Kutahu itu takkan pernah mungkin terjadi
Dirimu sudah tak inginkanku
Tapi kutahu sesuatu
Kini ku trus berlari menggapai angan mimpi

Seperti mentari yang bersinar menyinari bumi ini
Ku kan slalu jalani hidupku
Walau tanpamu di sisi

Ku kan trus berlari bagai angin mengitari bumi ini
Yakinkan kita kan kembali lagi
Oooohh My Love...

Selasa, 01 November 2011

First Grief on 1st November .


Nama bulan ini berasal dari bahasa Romawi 'novem' yang berarti sembilan, karena itu adalah bulan kesembilan dalam kalender Romawi.

Hanya sedikit orang yang merasa November itu menyenangkan. Suku Anglo-Saxon menyebut November 'Angin monath', karena itu adalah waktu dimana angin dingin mulai bertiup. Mereka juga menyebutnya 'Blod monath', karena saat karnaval ternak dibantai untuk makanan musim dingin. Dan kebetulan sudah beberapa tahun belakangan ini Idul Adha dimana kaum Muslim menyebelih kurban juga.

Bulan yang sakral buat LeViSaAi...
Bulan ketika "dia" dilahirkan...
Bulan puncaknya kehidupan di tiap tahun untukku...

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

percakapan antara hati dan pikiran di suatu sore

Hati dan pikiran sedang berdiskusi. Kala itu memang hati dan pikiran sedang tidak bersinkronasi.

pikiran mengatakan sesuatu, namun hati menjerit untuk tidak mengikutinya.
akhirnya pikiran pun mencoba untuk berhenti sejenak, memencet tombol pause dan terlontar pertanyaan dari pikiran untuk hati tersayang, "kamu kenapa?"

"aku takut. aku takut sakit. aku takut salah melangkah. aku takut ini bukan jalanku. aku takut berhenti di tempat." jawabnya.

"kita memang sedang berhenti di tempat, kamu kira aku bisa melakukan progres tanpa diiringi dirimu, hati?"

"aku takut."

"kamu masih ingat, kata-kata indah yang terukir dalam di atas kerasnya permukaanmu 'The fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dream.'"

"Takut menderita itu lebih buruk daripada penderitan itu sendiri...namun apa kau yakin itu mimpimu wahai pikiran yang cerdas?"

"tanyakan saja pada pada dirimu sendiri! karena kamu lah yang selalu benar, tugasku hanya memerintahkan seluruh organ tubuh untuk melakukan apa yang baik menurutmu."

"apa yang aku inginkan?"


"aku ingin jadi aku."


"tapi aku takut banyak yang tidak bisa menerima diriku."

"tapi apa kamu bisa menerima dirimu apabila kau menjadi dirimu?"


"lantas, mengapa kamu memikirkan orang lain? belum tentu mereka bisa menerima diri mereka sendiri."

"kau benar."

"tidak, kau yang benar, aku hanya mengingatkan, karena tugasku mengingat, sedangkan kau merasa. dan merasa itu lebih peka terhadap mana yang salah dan mana yang benar."

"aku ingin jadi diriku sendiri."

"bagus kalau begitu."

.aku ingin jadi diriku sendiri.

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

sahabat : penyemangat, pendukung, pembangun, penyembuh

pagi ini aku dapat sebuah pesan singkat yang mengingatkanku bahwa hari ini adalah tanggal 28, tanggal sakral dalam hidupku setelah 2tahun 11 bulan bersama mereka, sahabatku. mereka bukan sekedar sahabat, orang-orang yang ada saat suka duka. tapi mereka adalah bagian dari diriku. saat mereka senang, aku ikut senang, saat mereka sedih, ikut sedih, saat sakit, rasa itu terasa. walaupun jarak kita sekarang adalah antar 4 kota, 3 propinsi.

Jarak yang ada tidak memutuskan ikatan batin yang terbentuk selama kita bersama. walaupun hanya bisa berkomunikasi melalui media virtual yang kadang bersifat destruktif tapi benteng persahabatan kita tidak lantas rapuh karena pondasi yang telah kita buat amat kuat karena menggunakan batu-batu empati dan semen kebersamaan, pasir kasih sayang dan tetesan air dari air mata dari hati kita.

Aku bangga punya sahabat seperti kalian. kita yang saling melengkapi dengan karakter kita masing-masing. ibarat meja dengan empat kaki, saling menyemangati, mendukung, membangun dan menyembuhkan...

28 Oktober 2011

                                             love LeViSaAi

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Makanan paling enak selama di Tanah Rantau..

Pagi ini saya menyantap makanan paling enak yang pernah saya santap di seantero tanah rantau nun jauh dari kota asal. Makanan yang saya dapat kan dari kasih sayang seorang ibu dari pemilik atap yang saya tempati sejak 20 Agustus 2011.

Sederhana, namun nikmatnya tiada tanding dibandingkan makanan mahal dari sebuah bistro yang selalu saya datangi saat ingin merayakan hari spesial. Hanya sepiring nasi putih pulen, sepotong tahu goreng, sepotong tempe goreng, dan 2 potong terung goreng disiram dengan sambal yang pas dilidah dan diperut yang notabene sudah 2 minggu ini mengalami gangguan karena lecetnya dinding ventrikulus atau yang Bahasa Indonesianya lambung.

Sayang, saya tidak sempat mengabadikannya dalam gambar. Tapi, rasa nikmatnya pasti abadi dalam hati.

Makasih untuk "Uti"nya Musa.



New Post from a Newbie..

setiap hal memiliki awal, langkah pertama...
seperti huruf abjad yang berawal dari huruf "a"...
seperti hidup yang bermula dari dihembuskannya ruh ke tubuh calon bayi...
dan memang setiap langkah awal dalam suatu kehidupan terkadang sulit untuk diambil...
tapi kalau kita tidak pernah memulai, kapan kita akan maju?
Blog ini ada dari kegemaran saya membaca dan, yang pasti, menulis...
Di sini akan saya bagikan segala sesuatu yang menarik perhatian saya (kecuali kehidupan pribadi saya yang tidak akan diumbar di sini, for the sake of privacy), yang mengisi hidup saya, yang memberi saya motivasi dan memang layak untuk dibaca oleh penikmat kata yang haus akan ilmu dan informasi.

dari seorang perempuan yang menganalogikakan dirinya sebagai sebatang pohon.
