Minggu, 26 Maret 2023

My Journey to Another Chapter Part 1

This story started with a morning chit chat with my HRD at TVRI Jakarta, "If you have the chance to continue study, then do it," she said.

"I will ma'am, Insya Allah I will look for a way to continue my degree."

Working in TVRI as a civil broadcaster had never been in my list of aspiration as a child. I was never in a family of civil worker, let alone circle of broadcasting world. But as my world revolved, here I am, 2 years working as a program director and daily broadcasting director and, gosh, how I am utterly passionate of it.

Here I met all different kinds of people who gave me valuable lessons, and as an eager learner, those lessons feed my anthuasiasme even more. While I got the opportunity to learn informally from everyone's experiences, and chances to get formal training from my institution, the urge to continue my degree majoring Television arises. 

Thus in early December 2022, after several small researches, I contacted ThinkOpenMind enquiring about applying to University of The Arts, London. I was excited because luckily, the terms and condition were as easy as a breeze for me somehow. Not because it was merely uncomplicated, but the requirements suited my condition. Maybe that's what they called destiny.

At first I thought, let's just apply, we'll think of other stuff later. I didn't expect much, I had nothing-to-lose mindset. I didn't even tell my parents about it. 

Day by day, while still doing my usual job at work, I prepared all of the requirements one at a time. ThinkOpenMind helped me by correcting my Personal Statement and script for Video Task. The Video Task was the hardest part at the beginning. I had to create a 3-minutes video explaining about what I see outside my windows.

I thought of the words for my video while I was sleeping, that's how I get to my most creative side. Silly, right? But I had been doing it since I was little. Then after ThinkOpenMind confirmed that the words were good enough, I took a video of myself with the help of my husband, who kept on telling me the video was already perfect, but I still wasn't confident about it. Then with the help of my best friend who I consider as my little brother at work, Hafiz, who edited my video for a finishing touch, the video was completed. And also with the support and prayers from Abi, Kiki, Alan, and Hasna who always reply to my silly messages when I get nerve breakdown, I finishes my submission to UAL at last. 

After the submission to UAL, I told myself to begin preparing for LPDP Scholarship application. This time, I needed to get IELTS score of minimum 6.5 (with each band minimum of 5.5). I also need to get the recommendation letter and permission letter from my superior at work. 

At first, I still wanted only few people to know that I am applying. But somehow the news got spreaded. It even evolved to a story that I got accepted, well, I prayed amin to that. Well, it's true, thankfully I got an offer from UAL which made me dumbfounded. I took my time to actually let that sink in. I got accepted! I still couldn't believe it somehow. 

Then by fate, I had to prepare LPDP while doing Documentary Film Training. How hard i cried, I had a lump in my heart. I can imagine how difficult it would be, dividing my attention between LPDP Administration submission and making a Documentary Film for this training. 

I met several people here, Bang Riadh and Bang Nail, who supported me since they found out I am applying for the scholarship. How could they not find out, I held my tears in class from the hardship I am facing? They accompanied me, giving me pointers on what to do when my head was clouded with tears and emotions. Then I had to write the essay which I had to revise several times, typing days and nights while accompanying Akbar who was editing the Documentary Film we were making.

Thanks to them I managed to finish everything on time, on the very last day of submission. Thanks to the people at my office who helped me with the recommendation letter from Director of General Affair, as well. Also, thanks to ThinkOpenMind who helped me follow up to UAL Admission team so I can obtain the LoA early so it can be in time for the submission of the scholarship.

And everything paid off when I open the LPDP portal at 23.59 on 14th March 2023, accompanied by you know who you are, thank you for being there until the last minute :). My submission got through. 

Next step will be the interview. Wish me luck. I need all the luck there is.